Private Markets Investment Consultant Search Services

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued by the Stanislaus County Employees’ Retirement Association (StanCERA) for the purpose of soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide comprehensive private markets investment consultant search services. The selected company will demonstrate extensive experience and superior capability in providing private markets investment consultant search services for institutional investors.

Deadline for submission of proposals: November 28, 2024

Please submit one complete electronic copy of the proposal to:

Stan Conwell
Investment Officer
Stanislaus County Employees’ Retirement Association
832 12th Street, Suite 600
Modesto, CA 95354

StanCERA Compensation Earnable and Vacation Cash-Out Policy

In conjunction with California County Employees’ Retirement Law (CERL), StanCERA’s Board of Retirement policy limits the use of vacation cash-out pay for purposes of determining compensation earnable for pension calculations.  

As of July 1, 2024, vacation cash-out pay for pension calculations is limited to the total amount allowed annually by the employer for non-management Legacy Tier members.  PEPRA membership is not affected by this change.