Board of Retirement Seat 3 Elections


The current term for Seat Number 3 of the Board of Retirement (General Member Representative) ends on January 26, 2025.  An election will be conducted for Seat Number 3 for the new term beginning January 27, 2025 and ending on January 27, 2028 pursuant to Government Code 31523.

The following are important dates and activities for this election process:


December 8, 2024               Notice of Election Distributed to Members
December 23, 2024             Deadline to Submit Nomination Papers*
January 2, 2025                   Distribution of Election Ballots
January 22, 2025                 Final Date to Receive Ballots
January 23, 2025                 Canvassing (counting) the Ballots

*Note:  Any General Member who desires to run for the Board of Retirement must request a nomination paper from StanCERA no later than 5:00 p.m. on the date specified and returned to StanCERA no later than 5:00 p.m. on the date specified. You must include no less than 25 signatures from StanCERA qualifying General Member signatures, more than 25 are encouraged should any signatures be disqualified.  See StanCERA Bylaws for additional information.

Pick-Up/Drop Off:    
Stanislaus County Employees’ Retirement Association
832 12th Street, Suite 600
Modesto, CA  95354                                                  

Phone:                       (209) 525-6393

Private Markets Investment Consultant Search Services

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued by the Stanislaus County Employees’ Retirement Association (StanCERA) for the purpose of soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide comprehensive private markets investment consultant search services. The selected company will demonstrate extensive experience and superior capability in providing private markets investment consultant search services for institutional investors.

Deadline for submission of proposals: November 28, 2024

Please submit one complete electronic copy of the proposal to:

Stan Conwell
Investment Officer
Stanislaus County Employees’ Retirement Association
832 12th Street, Suite 600
Modesto, CA 95354